DrDuffy2009's Blog

Archive for March 2010

Using the notes from class, the Upshur text, as well as documents #34 (Americas’ Big Stick) and #35 (Selections from A Pen Warmed Up in Hell) write a short entry on whether or not America was and remains an imperialist nation. Make sure to introduce the reader to the topic, include specific pieces of historical data (dates, places, people, concepts, etc.), and a conclusion. Post this entry on your wordpress.com page.

    Based on attained knowledge, imperialism can most likely be defined as a means of exploitation over other nations and even other individuals to benefit of imperial power through military occupation and colonial rule or through economic domination of resources and market. To sum that up, imperialism is somewhat an “authority” policy adapted by other nations to assert authority over other territories. Imperialism is in essence done through the process of territorial acquisition. After acquiring the desired territory, the state then takes control over the political as well as economical systems. This essentially then labels them as an imperialist state and states that its citizens are living under an imperialist rule. 

     Based on research, notes from class, the Upshur text, documents #34 and #35, and my personal opinion, I believe that American was and somewhat still remains an imperialist nation. Imperialism has been a part of the United States since the American Revolution. There have been many instances where the United States has taken over other countries.  Since the late 1900s the US has used its military in an imperialistic manner in places such as in the Spanish-American War, the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico and Cuba to name a few places. The US was in dislike of how the Spaniards treated the Cubans; this was essentially the reason for the Spanish-American war in 1898. The US won, gaining control over almost all of Spain’s colonies including Cuba, Guam, Philippines and Puerto Rico. Cuba remained technically independent but was required to submit policy to the Americans. America owned the Philippines for nearly 20 years. Karl Marx and many of his followers believed that the United Stated participated in imperialism to safeguard property and markets of their large businesses and to subdue rebellions where the government was friendly to the United States.   

After all was said and done, America won as an imperialist nation. The US built the Panama Canal; they seized Hawaii, Samoa, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and gained economic control over Cuba, they also gained Wake Island. I say that America still remains an imperialist nation because of our war in Iraq and because we are the most powerful nation in the world.

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  • tamalynp: Thanks for your submission, Ms. Duffy! Have a safe holiday season.
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